The Social MEDia Course

May 14, 2012

See you also at the digital format of the course: The Social MEDia Course!

2011 Autumn Semester Week 10: The Future

December 5, 2011

This is the last week of this semester.

First part of the slideshow: Life after web 2.0

  • History of the internet
  • Buzzwords! (there is no physical difference between web or web 2.0)
  • Features of web 1.0, web 2.0 and web 3.0
  • Concept of semantic web: example of collecting stamps
  • I write documents about all of my stamps and later I want to find stamps with red background
  • What to do? I do a search but will find the Red Cross stamp and other stamps that have red in their names but don’t have a red background.
  • Solution: tell the computer stamp is a stamp, but red is a colour.
  • Give meaning to information.


Take-home message: The story is just about to begin…

Second part of the slideshow: Summary of the last 10 weeks

  • 10 weeks – 20 slideshows
  • 2 slideshows each week
  • 2 major questions in each slideshow
  • Examples for all the tools and sites we have talked about. Many many examples.
  • This is the first university credit course of its kind in the world.

Take-home message: I hope I could help you on your way towards web 2.0…

Third part of the slideshow: Survey results

  • Students filled in a survey before and after the course.
  • Now I analyzed the results which we will publish in a peer-reviewed journal soon.

2011 Autumn Semester Week 9: Second Life and Virtual Reality in Medicine

November 27, 2011

First slideshow:

A shorter version of the original slideshow with my own narration:

  • More than 20 million users, 30,000,000 online hours
  • What does SL mean for people?
  • It used to mean gambling (but not now)
  • Game? work? (The number of Second Life residents generating more than $5,000 in monthly income has more than quadrupled to 116 in the past year, according to San Francisco’s Linden Lab, owner of Second Life.); place?; tool?; entertainment?; sport?; opportunity?; appearance?
  • Technological barriers: register, download, install, open, log in
  • You can fly, walk, teleport, buy, sell, build.
  • Communication (chat, IM, e-mail, voice)
  • advantages (3D, media content, fast communication – SL fitness)
  • disadvantages (reliability, serious hardware requirement)
  • why do we need a SL?



Take-home message: great opportunities for patients and medical professionals as well.

Second slideshow:

Take-home message: Second Life provides useful tools to organize meetings, educate and learn without borders.

Free e-guide about medicine and virtual worlds on Webicina.

2011 Autumn Semester Week 8: New Media and Education 2.0

November 18, 2011

First slideshow: New Media in Medicine

  • Lifehacks about how to be efficient online


Take-home message: Make your online work as efficient, productive and time-saving as possible.

Second slideshow: Education 2.0

  • What we have to face: lack of inspiration (educators) and lack of motivation (students)
  • But we can find motivation and inspiration online
  • e.g. Ted Talks – Ken Robinson
  • Why? We’re changing (students, even children use different communication channels) – Vision of students;
  • We’re digital natives, Generation Z.
  • Many examples, statistics about the problems with education
  • “If you want to teach me, you first have to reach me”

Take-home message: The web is full of educational resources. Use them wisely.

2011 Autumn Semester Week 7: Social Media in Healthcare

November 14, 2011

First slideshow: Healthcare in social media

Lee Aase’s slideshow about Mayo Clinic

  • 2) doctors promoting practices via social media
  • Describing Hello Health

Take-home message: Doctors, hospitals and scientists use social media for different purposes. Find your strategy and the proper tools.

Second slideshow: Collaboration Online

  • Collaboration so far: mails, e-mails, etc.
  • Now: (how to edit, open, save, publish, etc)
  • What kind of offline tools we have to substitute online?
  • Table = wiki
  • White board = Twitter
  • Notes = Google Docs
  • Talk = Skype
  • And many more: Google Groups, blogs, Friedfeed rooms,…
  • Sharing examples: writing manuscripts with Google Docs; finding collaborators on, etc.

Take-home message: There are no boundaries of collaboration any more.

2011 Autumn Semester Week 6: Wikipedia and Medical Wikis

November 6, 2011

This week we focused on Medical wikis and Wikipedia.

First slideshow on medical wikis.

Take-home message:

If you want to share and create content online, a wiki is a great tool to use.

I’ve been a Wikipedia administrator since 2006 so this topic is really close to my heart. Second slideshow is dedicated to medical Wikipedia issues.

  • Why is Wikipedia great? (Free, fast, comprehensive, discussions, easy to edit, objective, etc)
  • Why it isn’t great. (Almost the same reasons)
  • Vandalism and how we fight it: Huggle
  • Basics of editing an article; page history, talk pages
  • A Wikipedia article minute by minute:

Take-home message:

Wikipedia is a great place to start your research, but should never be the last source you finish your research with.


2011 Autumn Semester Week 5: E-patients and Medical Communities

November 1, 2011

First slideshow: The world of e-patients

  • Who is a good patient? (referring to I am a good patient, believe it or not; Alejandro R Jadad, Carlos A Rizo, Murray W Enkin; BMJ  2003;326:1293-1295 (14 June), doi:10.1136/bmj.326.7402.1293 )
  • Types of patients: the powerful other; external controller, internal controller or google patient or brainsucker or googlers
  • An e-patient is equipped, enabled, empowered, engaged, equal and expert.
  • Examples (several stories) including maartensjourney.comKerri and many more including Jen:

Many thanks to e-Patient Dave deBronkart who also had his voice heard:

Other videos from e-patients:

  • Statistics about how patients use the web (source is Pew Internet Project Survey)
  • How to help e-patients as doctors (don’t use jargons, be patient, show credible sites focusing on medically reliable information)
  • How to judge the quality of a medical website, step-by-step. Using WebicinaHONcodeHBCE.

Take-home message:

Physicians of the 21st century must be qualified to meet the expectations of e-patients. They’re the new generation of patients.

Second slideshow: Doctors in social media

  • What is social media?
  • Traditional vs social media (pros and cons)
  • I have an opinion and post it online, but others have their own opinions as well
  • It becomes hard to find information and we need places/sites where information is collected and selected by other experts and collegues.
  • How to find a collegue or get answer for a medical question? By using telephone, Google or Facebook? Certainly not…
  • We need medical community sites (and crowdsourcing)
  • Examples: Sermo.comNature Network and many more.
  • Microblogging (Twitter and Friendfeed)
  • Advantages of medical communities, disadvantages
  • Privacy issues: can you communicate with patients online?
  • Facebook stats and optimal privacy settings for doctors in Facebook
  • General principle: Same rules apply for social media as for real life. If there are things you would never do offline, please do not do that online neither!

Take-home message:

Without properly designed strategy, don’t even think about using social media in your practice.

2011 Autumn Semester Week 4: Medical blogging

October 21, 2011

The fourth week of the newest semester was dedicated to medical blogging. Here is the summary of my presentations.

In the second slideshow, I described how to start a new blog step-by-step.

  • You need to answer 3 questions first before starting a blog:
  • What kind of blogger will I be? (there are 7 types)
  • Where should I blog?,,, etc.
  • How should I blog?
  • My “3 blogging rule” described what you need to become a good blogger: commitment, consistency and openness
  • Shared many examples about how to build a successful medical blog.

Take-home message:

A medical blog can be a perfect channel to make new contacts, find new opportunities and share your ideas with the world.

The 2 slideshows are described in details on’s e-guide:


2011 Autumn Semester Week 3: RSS and Twitter

October 15, 2011

The third week is dedicated to being up-to-date online and microblogging. In the first slideshow, I described what RSS is, how to use trend trackers and which tools can help you follow the medical literature easily.

  • How to read RSS (browser -example=Firefox; Google Reader; desktop-based readers – Feeddemon).
  • An example, a real tutorial about how to follow the latest articles published on NEJM. Step by step.
  • Best friend of docs? Of course, Pubmed. How to follow Pubmed updates easily.

A step-by-step guide on about how to keep yourself up-to-date easily.

Take-home message:

Let the information come to you and follow your field of interest easily.

Second slideshow focused on microblogging:

  • Definition of Twitter, post, reply, direct message, tweeple, twitterview, etc.

Take-home message:

Twitter is the fastest channel of communication these days, but only use it if you have a well designed strategy.

2011 Autumn Semester Week 2: Medical Search Engines and the Google Story

October 12, 2011

First slideshow: The Google phenomenon

  • Also some of the dead ones: Google Lively and Knol
  • Google Demo Slam:
  • Google+ guide:
  • Talking about 23andme and how our genomic profiles will affect the future of healthcare

Take-home message: Google can make our lives easier. The question is how close we should let it come to us.

Second slideshow: Medical Search Engines

  • How to search on the web (Google tricks)

Take-home message: Search like a professional and help your patients search properly online.