The course

I’m very excited and proud to announce that this semester I will give 20 slideshows about web 2.0 and medicine at the University of Debrecen, Medical School and Health Science Center. This will be the first Medicine 2.0 university course worldwide.

I’ve written more than 300 posts about the impact of web 2.0 on medical education and healthcare so I feel it’s time to share these thoughts and views with my fellow medical students. Anyway, the lectures will be free for everyone so it would be my pleasure if you could join us from this September in Debrecen (exact dates and times later).

The list of topics I plan to cover (some details):

1st week:

  • What does web 2.0 mean? (the main concept and idea of web 2.0)
  • Web 2.0 in medicine: Introduction (my usual presentation, see below)

2nd week:

  • The medical blogosphere (why to blog; advantages; examples)
  • From the first comment to blog carnivals: Step by step (how to start and maintain a medical blog)

3rd week:

4th week:

  • Everything you have to know about Wikipedia (how and why to use it)
  • The world of medical wikis (how wikis work and how many wikis we know about)

5th week:

6th week:

7th week:

8th week:

  • Podcasts and medical videos (how and why to use these; some examples)
  • A new way of collaboration: Google Docs (how to write a document online)

9th week:

  • Medical search engines (personalized searches, how to use Pubmed)
  • The Google phenomenon (Google Docs, Health, Calendar, Alert, etc.)

10th week:

I also plan to publish my slideshows and to run the whole course online as well (Twitter account, Youtube channel, etc.). Your feedback is much appreciated.

9 Responses to “The course”

  1. Andras Szekely Says:

    Congratulations, Berci!
    The first ones were great.

  2. Bluelake Says:

    Congratulation! It was very useful!

  3. Anita Brojnas Says:

    Congrats too!:))

  4. Zoltán Cserháti Says:

    Congratulations! It was fantastic!

  5. Attila Nagy Says:

    Congratulations! I don’t even try to deny I envy your lecturing skills.

    Looking forward to week 4 😉

    Maybe a new design for this site? (Default designs are a bit like factory-default ringtones: they make you wonder if they stay because the owner likes them or because they can’t change them. No offense. :))

  6. Bertalan Meskó Says:

    Thank you! You mean week 3. 🙂

    I plan to redesign it and publish some of the slides, but cannot find enough time.

    But will…

  7. Laika Says:

    Berci. This looks great. The combination of slides and online training looks perfect to me.
    Praiseworthy that you make this available online, not only for your students.
    I try to make Dutch medical students enthusiastic as well. Hope to give a presentation May next year and passed by to get some inspiration (because I have to submit a proposal). Perhaps you can give me tips as well.

    As a medical librarian I’m very curious what week 9 (Medical search engines (personalized searches, how to use Pubmed; Google) will look like.
    Hate to say it, but if I a doctor is a tutor in my search classes I often don’t agree with how they teach Pubmed (and other databases).

    Cheers, Jacqueline.

  8. Bertalan Meskó Says:

    I’m so glad you liked it. And please tell me your opinion on what I plan to talk about on week 9.


    * Google story
    * Basics of Google searches
    * Mechanism
    *Google Alerts
    * Trend trackers
    * How to search
    *Other search engines (Yahoo, etc)
    *Personalized engines
    *Medical engines (Scienceroll Search)
    *Pubmed (Save search function and Send to RSS feed function)
    *3rd party Pubmed tools
    * Semantic search engines
    *Medical search engines
    *Symptom checkers
    *PDA softwares

    Something like that…

  9. Turulcsirip - Bertalan Meskó Says:

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